Music Therapy for Dogs
Music soothes, calms, and energizes people and it has long been used in working with children to cope with emotional challenges and disabilities. It has found to have an influence on the human brain, as well as their emotions, but how does music affect your dog? Can music be useful in helping a dog who is afraid of storms? What about playing music in animal shelters to sooth dogs and minimize barking? Lastly, what can music do to dogs who suffer from separation anxiety?
A common problem for dogs is the fear of thunderstorms. Causing restlessness and agitation, dogs during this time can cause serious damage to your household. Music is a good way to keep a dog calm and distracted during thunderstorms. People with dogs who are scared of thunderstorms have had successes using CDs to soothe the dog during this noise-ridden ordeal. Dogs typically respond to the drop in barometric pressure and become restless long before the storm hits, so getting them used to the clapping of thunder will less likely trigger agitation during the actual storm. Extra care and attention will also help and playing with them will distract them during the storm. Truly, choosing the right music for your dog can help.
What about using music in animal shelters? In some shelters, playing jazz or classical music usually soothes the animals. Imagine the noise of barking dogs in a kennel with about 30 to 40 dogs. To sad, confused dogs who have just been abandoned, hearing music often soothes them and help with their confusion. There have been instances where calming lullabies are played in shelters to quiet an entire kennel of upset and anxious dogs.
Research shows Great Danes are gentle giants that love spending time with their owners and are likely to suffer separation anxiety when they spend time away from their families. Separation anxiety is very common for many dogs and there are varying degrees of this ailment that affect them. If you have a dog who suffers from separation anxiety, try music with a slow and steady beat. This is a good type of music to play when you have to leave your pooch alone. CDs with music like this are available for purchase, or you can make your own. Play it on loop while you’re away from your pet.
Heavy metal or rock music may be your favorite type of music, but if you’re working through issues with an easily frightened dog, trade in your favorite tunes, at least for some time, for something slow and steady to help them heal.