Helpful Tips When Storing Your Musical Instruments

Posted by in Art, Fashion

Musical instruments are a significant financial investment. Nevertheless, they can give you with years — even generations! — of service if they are correctly managed. The time may come when you have to store your instrument for a while, and it’s during storage that some severe injury can occur. Luckily, there are steps you can take to shield your instruments when you store them in your storage unit. Read on for some tips for safely collecting your musical instruments in your storage in Manchester, UK.

Store your instrument in its first case. If at all feasible, store your instrument in its original case. The case is made to keep the instrument and all its parts properly;y and carefully. If for some reason you cannot utilize the original case — it has become damaged or stolen — look for a replacement rather than just using a box, bag, or bin.

Store each of your instruments separately. Don’t store your device all put together, if it’s meant to come apart. Take off mouthpieces, remove reeds, detach straps. For stringed instruments, go ahead and release the strings lightly. (There is no need to exclude them). The pressure of tight strings can warp your instrument. Do the same for bowstrings. The exception is of course, piano— they do not need to have their strings released, as they are meant to resist strong pressure.

Disinfect your instrument completely.  Prior to putting it into storage, clean it completely. Use the proper cleaning solutions and cloths for your instrument. Sanitize each separate part of the instrument. This helps keep moisture and dirt from mounting up and breaking the machine while it’s stored.

Pack your instrument securely. When your musical device is clean and dry, it’s time to place it in the case if it has one. Place all the parts properly in the sections of the case designated for them. If you have plenty of room, you can include soft material like cotton batting to help keep the items in place.